How Do You Treat Facial Veins & Remove Broken Capillaries?

Facial Veins and Broken Capillaries Treatment San Diego

Magnifying make-up mirrors tell no lies. Which is a good thing, when you can use it to catch a blackhead, a rogue chin hair, or other imperfections that you have the power to change. But what are you supposed to do when the mirror picks up on visible spider-like veins beneath your skin? Sure, you can cover them with makeup, but is there any way to get rid of facial veins for good? 

The short answer? Yes, there is a solution for eliminating broken capillaries on the face and restoring a smooth, vein-free complexion. But before we get to that, let’s talk about what causes those spidery veins, and how you may be able to prevent them from developing in the first place.

What causes spider veins on the face and how can you prevent them?

If your skin appears red and splotchy around your nose, cheeks, or chin, you may notice in the magnifying mirror that those splotches are actually little clusters of visible veins. Dilated blood vessels beneath the surface of your skin are responsible for this cosmetic blemish. A number of different factors can cause the blood vessels to become enlarged, including: 

  • Excessive drinking

  • Chronic inflammation

  • Excessive sun exposure

  • Extreme temperature changes

  • Environmental irritants

  • Hormones (particularly during pregnancy or with the use of some oral contraceptives)

  • Trauma to the skin

  • Extreme pressure from sneezing or vomiting

While not harmful, those purple, red, or blue veins on the face can have a negative impact on the way you feel about your appearance. You can decrease your risk of developing spider veins in the face if you:

  • Avoid smoking

  • Minimize your alcohol intake

  • Wear sunscreen daily

  • Avoid extreme heat (weather, spas, and saunas)

  • Wash your face gently with lukewarm water (avoid really hot water)

  • Exercise regularly to help improve circulation and vein strength

Prevention of visible facial veins may be more difficult if you have fair skin, a history of rosacea, and a genetic predisposition to spider veins. 

How to treat facial veins

Once you develop facial veins, you can try to use makeup and skincare products to reduce their appearance, but unfortunately, they’re unlikely to shrink back on their own. Once the blood vessels become enlarged, the best way to address the splotches they create on your face is to eliminate the faulty veins. Laser treatment can get rid of those broken capillaries on the face for good. Non-invasive, highly effective, and with no downtime, laser vein therapy uses light to destroy unwanted veins and restore your confidence in your complexion.  

At Siti Med Spa, we use the Cutera xeo®, a state-of-the-art cosmetic laser that’s optimized for getting rid of those unsightly veins that prematurely age your face. The laser’s wave lengths can be adjusted to deliver the energy at different depths, and the range of calibration settings allows us to target even the finest spider veins without compromising the surrounding skin. 

Cutera xeo® works by transmitting a highly focused pulse of energy to the faulty blood vessels, which causes them to clot and dry up. The blood is then rerouted through healthier vessels, and over time, the damaged vein is reabsorbed by the body, leaving you with a smooth, radiant complexion. 

What to expect during a Cutera xeo® treatment for facial veins

During your consultation, we’ll perform a thorough examination of your skin to determine the best option for giving you the radiant complexion you desire. If you decide to move forward with laser treatment for your facial veins, we’ll schedule your treatment at your earliest convenience.  

Once you arrive for your session we’ll then customize the laser settings to target your small visible facial veins without doing damage to the surrounding skin.  As your practitioner glides the laser tip over the treatment area, you may experience a slight stinging sensation, but the Cutera xeo® laser tip has a cooling touch that will help keep you comfortable. 

The treatment will take 15 to 30 minutes. You may experience some pinkness or swelling immediately following your procedure, but this should subside within 24 hours. Some patients require more than one treatment. At your consultation, we’ll be able to give you an estimate of the number of sessions you may need to achieve your desired results. While some people see a noticeable difference within a week or so, full results can take between four and six weeks. Your practitioner will give you post-procedure instructions to help you get the most out of each treatment. 

Plagued by facial veins? Let us help you love your skin again!

At Siti Med Spa, we believe that feeling good about yourself can make a big difference in the way you experience the world. If facial veins or any other cosmetic concerns are getting in the way of your confidence, let us help. We offer cutting-edge cosmetic procedures and treatments that result in visible improvements. We’re committed to helping every client achieve a healthy, natural-looking, ageless appearance, and we’d love to do the same for you.

For more information on our services, please give us a call at (619) 717-8484 today.