How Long Does It Take To Heal From Laser Resurfacing?

How Long Does It Take To Heal From Laser Resurfacing by Siti Med Spa San Diego

If you have a big event on your calendar that you want to look your best for, you may need to plan some of your beauty treatments ahead of time. Although some treatments can be done a few days before the event, others require weeks or even months to see the full results.  Laser skin resurfacing is one beauty treatment that works miraculously on a number of different cosmetic issues at once, dramatically improving the tone, texture, and radiance of your skin, but you definitely want to give yourself ample time to heal before your big event. In some cases, multiple laser treatments with healing time between is recommended for best results. Depending on the type of laser used and your cosmetic goals, the healing time will vary. Read on for more information about how long it takes to heal from laser resurfacing. 

How long does it take to heal from laser resurfacing?

At Siti Med Spa in San Diego, we offer a number of different laser treatments, each designed to correct a range of different cosmetic issues, from fine lines and wrinkles to hyperpigmentation and rosacea. Healing times vary not only by the type of laser used but also by the individual, as everyone responds differently and has different individual healing rates. In general, however, most treatments do have an approximate healing time. Here are three different laser treatments we offer at Siti Med Spa—and their typical corresponding healing timelines. 

Total FX healing timeline

Total FX skin resurfacing treatment combines two different types of laser treatments into one. Deep FX uses a narrow laser beam to remove columns of tissue deep in the skin, immediately stimulating collagen growth.  Active FX treats the upper layer of skin to remove unwanted pigmentation and promote skin regeneration, improving the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, scars, and skin tone. Total FX is the most complete non-surgical skin rejuvenating treatment available. 

Healing timeline:

  • Plan on social downtime during the skin-crusting period for 5-7 days. 

  • New skin could be slightly pink for 4-6 weeks but can be covered with makeup. 

  • As new collagen increases, results will continue to improve for six months to a year.

  • One treatment is usually sufficient. 

IPL photofacial healing timeline

The Limelight IPL (intense pulsed light) photofacial treatment involves intense pulses of light energy delivered deep into the skin to stimulate new collagen growth, break down excess melanin to correct hyperpigmentation, and constrict blood vessels to reduce redness. The IPL treatment also helps minimize the appearance of acne scars, wrinkles, freckles, and age spots. 

Healing timeline:

  • Expect redness and mild swelling for 2-5 days.

  • Dark spots may appear darker for 3-7 days, followed by a crusting effect. 

  • Some bruising may last for up to two weeks.

  • Results begin to show within 7-10 days.

  • A series of 4 or 5 treatments, spaced 4 weeks apart, is usually recommended.  

Laser Genesis healing timeline

Laser Genesis is a non-invasive collagen stimulating procedure that uses micropulse technology to improve the skin’s structure and appearance. It works by delivering carefully regulated pulses of warm light to heat the dermis, stimulating the production of collagen and elastin. Laser Genesis softens wrinkles, minimizes pores, and improves the appearance of redness, dark spots, and acne scars. 

Healing timeline:

  • There may be some mild redness for a couple of hours after treatment.

  • No downtime is expected.

  • Results are visible within a few days and will continue to improve over time. 

  • For optimal results, a series of 4-8 treatments, spaced 4 weeks apart, is usually recommended.

At Siti Med Spa, we have something for everyone. These are just a few of our laser skin resurfacing treatments. Whether you’re planning months or weeks in advance, or you only have a few days, we can help you get glowing, radiant skin so you look and feel gorgeous at your big event. 

Laser skin resurfacing treatments & more at Siti Med Spa

 Siti Med Spa is San Diego’s leading medical spa in advanced anti-aging procedures. We offer a wide range of FDA-approved cosmetic medical treatments designed to help you look and feel beautiful in the skin you’re in.  For more information about our treatments and services, give us a call at (619) 717-8484 today.