Botox Brow Lift for Droopy Eyebrows and Hooded Eyes

Botox Brow Lift For Droopy Eyebrows And Hooded Eyes By Siti Med Spa San Diego

As we grow older, our faces change in myriad ways, from the development of wrinkles to the weakening of muscles and the sagging of skin. Luckily, we live in a time when we have a range of anti-aging products and services that can aid in the restoration of a youthful appearance. Age-related changes in the eyelid skin and eyebrow area in particular can cause or exaggerate a sagging, droopy appearance to the upper eyelid, resulting in a tired, unfriendly appearance. When it comes to heavy brows and hooded eyes, skincare products aren’t effective, but you also don’t have to commit to expensive surgery.  With a little bit of help from a BOTOX® brow lift, you can raise your brows, open up your eyes, and refresh your appearance in almost no time at all.

What is a Botox brow lift?

A BOTOX® brow lift involves strategic BOTOX® injections in the brow area, which temporarily relaxes the muscles that pull the brow downward.  The procedure takes less time than it does to make a cup of coffee, and the results last for three to six months. 

How does a BOTOX® brow lift work?

BOTOX® Cosmetic is an FDA-approved treatment for smoothing wrinkles between the eyebrows (glabellar lines), wrinkles on the forehead, and fine lines under the eyes. The BOTOX® brow lift works by weakening the muscle responsible for depressing the eyebrow downward and causing a heavy, droopy look. When done with precision and artistry, the BOTOX® brow lift results in a beautifully and subtly enhanced curvature of the brow arch. 

Results begin to appear within five to seven days, and continue to improve for about two weeks. Once your brow has settled, you’ll appear more alert, rejuvenated, and possibly, more friendly. 

Benefits of a BOTOX® brow lift

Although there are surgical procedures that provide a more permanent solution to droopy eyebrows and excessively hooded eyes, the BOTOX® brow lift is an effective choice for those not ready to make that kind of commitment. The benefits of the BOTOX® brow lift include:

  • Non-surgical 

  • No downtime 

  • Quick, easy lunch-hour treatment

  • Gorgeous, enhanced eyebrow arch

  • Subtle, natural-looking results 

  • Can address asymmetrical brows

  • Easily combined with other procedures

A BOTOX® brow lift can also be beneficial if you’re considering a full brow lift but aren’t yet sure if you want to commit.  While the results won’t be identical, the BOTOX® brow lift can at least give you an idea of how you’ll look with a more lifted brow.

Side effects of a BOTOX® brow lift

In the hands of an experienced BOTOX® injector, your brow lift shouldn’t have many side effects. There may be some mild soreness and redness at the injection site, or maybe some very minor bruising, but any potential side effects should subside within a week. Serious side effects, such as problems eating and swallowing or sleep changes are rare and may be the sign of an allergic reaction. If you experience these, you should call your doctor right away.  Generally speaking, the best way to avoid complications with your BOTOX® procedure is to choose a reputable and skilled provider who understands the nuances of facial anatomy and can be relied upon for excellent results, top-notch service, and fresh cosmetic products. 

Looking for the BOTOX® brow lift in San Diego? Come see us at Siti Med Spa!

At Siti Med Spa in San Diego, we’re committed to providing every client with exceptional service and highly customized cosmetic procedures designed to help them look and feel their best. Whether you’re specifically looking for the BOTOX® brow lift, or you want some guidance on which of our cosmetic services and products will give you gorgeous results, we’d love to help. 

Give us a call at 619-717-8484 to schedule a consultation today.