Does Botox for Crow's Feet Look Natural?

Does Botox for Crows Feet Look Natural by Siti Med Spa

Botox is an especially effective solution for crow’s feet, resulting in a bright-eyed, rejuvenated appearance. But even with the ever-growing popularity of Botox treatments among women of all ages (and men, too), some people still worry about unnatural-looking results.  “Frozen face” is the number one concern of new patients, and it’s understandable. Our facial expressions are an important aspect of communication and connection with others. 

In the hands of an expert injector with a thorough understanding of facial anatomy and a keen eye for aesthetics, there’s no need to worry. Botox is a safe and effective way to soften crow’s feet so you still look like you—only more refreshed and rejuvenated.     

How does Botox work on crow’s feet?

Botox in San Diego injectables are made from botulinum toxin type A, which is produced by the same bacterium responsible for botulism. As scary as that may sound, when administered in very small doses for cosmetic purposes, it’s a safe and highly effective treatment for dynamic wrinkles (those that are caused by muscle movement and facial expressions, like smiling). 

Botox works on crow’s feet the way it does on all other dynamic fine lines and wrinkles—by relaxing the muscles that cause them. The main difference between using Botox for crow’s feet, and say, the deeper lines between the eyebrows is the number of units required to treat each area. While every person is different, and every procedure customized to the individual, in general, the smaller the treatment area and the finer the lines, the fewer units necessary to achieve the desired results.  

Why Does Smiling Make Wrinkles?

It’s not just smiling—squinting also stretches and etches folds into the skin around your eyes after years of repetitive muscle movements. Most people start to notice these wrinkles in their thirties, or maybe earlier if they have really funny friends. By the time you hit your forties, the visible benefits from Botox will be substantial. But what many people don’t know is that you don’t have to wait that long—in fact, kick-starting your rejuvenation regimen early can actually prevent wrinkles from forming.

Does Botox for crow’s feet look natural?

When Botox injections are administered by a qualified and trained practitioner who specializes in cosmetic injectables, your results will look as natural as you want.  Inexperienced and unqualified individuals may unknowingly inject too much formula, or inject the neurotoxin improperly, resulting in frozen face, drooping eyelids, or facial asymmetry. The first step toward ensuring that you get gorgeous, natural-looking results from your Botox treatment for crow’s feet is to work with a highly experienced, licensed, and certified practitioner.  

Once you’ve researched and chosen your practitioner, be sure to:

  • Schedule a consultation. This is a chance to get a feel for your practitioner, ask questions, and clarify your goals. 

  • Start with a light dose. You can always increase the dose later, but you can’t undo what’s already been done. 

  • Follow post-procedure instructions. These may include: remaining upright immediately after your procedure, avoiding strenuous exercise for a couple of days, and limiting movement in the treatment area for 24 hours. Your practitioner will provide you with clear instructions. 

  • Wait patiently for the results to settle. You’ll begin to see improvement within a couple of days, but it can take two weeks to see the final results. If you go back for more too soon, you may not end up with the natural-looking Botox results you desire. 

Whether you’re looking for Botox to soften your crow’s feet or any other dynamic facial wrinkles, natural-looking results are possible. 

At Siti Med Spa in San Diego, we specialize in natural-looking Botox! 

Frozen Face and other “botox gone wrong” concerns are valid. In the hands of the wrong person, they can happen. But at Siti Med Spa, you can rest assured that we know what we’re doing. We’ve been doing it for a long time, and our happy, satisfied clients trust us to provide them with gorgeous results again and again and again.

If you’re looking for natural-looking Botox for crow’s feet, you’ve come to the right place. Give us a call at 619-717-8484 to schedule a consultation today!