Banish Deep Wrinkles with Dysport Fillers in San Diego at Siti Med Spa

Facial expressions help us convey our emotions without saying a word. Every smile, laugh, frown, or scowl projects our inner feelings to the outside world. It’s an unfortunate fact that over time, the muscular contractions required to create these facial expressions cause deep lines and wrinkles to form – making us look tired, angry, and older than we really are.

The good news is, there’s a way to get rid of wrinkles while retaining the natural expressiveness of your face. With Dysport, you can shave years off your appearance without settling for “the frozen look.”

What is Dysport?

Dysport is a prescription injectable cosmetic treatment that can help smooth out the appearance of moderate to severe facial wrinkles and folds. It’s particularly effective in treating frown lines – those deep creases that form between your eyebrows when you squint, smile, or frown. During one 10-to 20-minute treatment, Dysport is injected into five separate points above your eyebrows, blocking nerve signals to specific muscles and temporarily preventing them from contracting. Dysport targets only these isolated areas, leaving the rest of your face unaffected. So you get fewer wrinkles and a youthful, natural look without losing the facial expressions that make you you.

What’s the difference between Dysport and Botox?

Both Dysport and Botox are made from the same ingredient, botulinum toxin, which works beneath the surface of your skin to immobilize your muscles for a short period of time. But there are a few key factors that set Dysport apart:

  • Dysport is gentler than Botox

The dosage of neurotoxin in a Dysport injection is less than the equivalent amount of Botox. This means that Dysport creates less severe results, which can appear gentler and smoother than those created by Botox.

  • Dysport works faster than Botox

Patients who have Dysport injections can begin to see their results in as little as 24 hours, while Botox can take up to four days for initial effects to appear.

  • Dysport lasts longer than Botox

Some studies have shown people who’ve received both kinds of injectables experience longer lasting results with Dysport than they do with Botox.

What can Dysport be used for?

While Dysport is most commonly used to treat frown lines, it’s also useful in treating crow’s feet and forehead wrinkles. And Dysport isn’t just for women: it’s for anyone under the age of 65 who wants to improve their appearance. In fact, men’s use of Dysport increased fourfold from 2000 to 2014.

Dysport is also used in combination with dermal fillers to create surgery-free facelift and brow lift solutions – giving you a new, youthful look without all the risks and side effects.

How long does Dysport last?

One relatively pain-free treatment with Dysport can last up to four months, at which point repeat treatments can be administered. And with no downtime after each treatment, you can get your frown lines taken care of on your lunch break and get back to your life right away.

Dysport Wrinkle Treatment in San Diego

If you’re ready for a natural, wrinkle-free look, come to Siti Med Spa in Bankers Hill for treatment with authentic Dysport. Our highly trained staff of nurse practitioners and registered nurses is committed to helping you achieve your aesthetic goals, and will design a cosmetic treatment plan that’s right for you. Call us today at (619) 717-8484 to schedule a consultation.