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How Long Do Dermal Fillers Last Under Eyes?

“You look tired”; Three words that are sure to make any recipient cringe. “No I am not tired!”, you want to yell at anyone within shouting distance, but the bags under your eyes are telling a different story. Bags and dark circles under the eyes are a sure way to make you look older and less attractive, but luckily dermal fillers are a wonderful treatment to reduce the appearance of bags under the eyes. Under eye fillers like Restylane and Juvederm do a great job of making you look younger, but how long do they last?

The Two Best Under Eye Fillers

Before we determine how long dermal fillers injected into the tear duct can last, it is important to identify the two best fillers to get rid of bags under the eye. According to most experts, the two best fillers are Restylane and Juvederm.


Restylane adds volume and elasticity to your skin, helping to smooth out fine lines, wrinkles, and skin folds. Its ability to add volume makes it a great dermal filler to use under the eyes. Restylane helps fill in bags under the eye, resulting in smooth and healthy skin.


Juvederm is a natural and safe dermal filler that leaves skin feeling smooth and looking vibrant. An injection of Juvederm under the eye can get rid of dark circles and get rid of any sunken skin.

How Long Will Under Eye Filler Last?

How long a filler lasts depends on a variety of factors but, in general, you can expect dermal fillers injected into the tear trough to last anywhere from six to nine months. After 6 to 9 months, the dermal fillers will get broken down by the body, and the effects of the filler will fade.

What Should I Do After My Under Eye Filler Fades?

Dermal fillers are not a permanent way to fix under eye bags. It is necessary to get repeat treatments every 6 months to a year. For best results, it is recommended to get new dermal filler injections before the effects fade. Instead of riding a constant roller coaster from looking youthful to old, keep your appearance the same by getting regular under eye dermal fillers every 6 months.

Only Trust a Cosmetic Medicine Expert

One of the keys to getting long lasting results from dermal filler injections is only visiting cosmetic medicine experts with experience injecting fillers under the eye. Injecting dermal filler is an art form, and the more trusted and talented an injector is the better and longer lasting the results.

Under Eye Filler Injections in San Diego at Siti Med Spa

Siti Med Spa is the most trusted dermal filler injection experts in all of San Diego, providing patients with only the highest quality of service. We carry both Restylane and Juvederm dermal fillers, and after a free consultation will determine which treatment is best for you. If you are interested in learning more or want to schedule a free consultation, contact Siti Med Spa today.

Give us a call today at (619) 717-8484.