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Reduce Appearance of Gums With Gummy Smile Botox

Your smile is one of your best assets. It brightens your face, signals friendliness, and encourages positive interactions. If you’re hiding a gummy smile behind your hand or tightly closed lips, you’re missing out on the social benefits of smiling. Gummy Smile Botox can help set your smile free. 

What causes a gummy smile? 

Not all gummy smiles have the same cause. One of the most common causes is excess gum tissue that grows over the teeth, causing them to appear shorter. In this case, a dentist can offer laser gum sculpting or other solutions to reduce the amount of gum tissue and lengthen the appearance of the teeth. In other cases, a gummy smile is caused by abnormal development of the jawbone or teeth. Dentists and orthodontists have ways of correcting this as well. But some gummy smiles are not caused by the teeth, gums, or jawbone, but rather by something called lip hypermobility.  

When we smile, certain facial muscles (specifically the Levator Anguli Oris and the Levator Labii Superior muscles) lift the upper lip to expose our teeth. Typically, they raise the lip 6-8mm, but some people have a hyperactive muscle that raises the lips higher than normal, exposing more of the gums above the upper teeth. Gummy Smile Botox is a wonderful solution for gummy smiles caused by lip hypermobility.  

What is Gummy Smile Botox?

To understand how Gummy Smile Botox works, it’s important to first know a little bit of the science behind Botox. Botox is an injectable formula that most people are familiar with as a cosmetic anti-aging treatment, but it is used for more than just lines and wrinkles.  Botox contains botulinum toxin type A, a neurotoxin that blocks signals from the nerves to the muscles, making it useful in the treatment of a surprising range of conditions, including excessive sweating, chronic migraines, and bladder dysfunction. 

When it comes to treating gummy smiles, Botox works beautifully, but only on those caused by lip hypermobility. Gummy Smile Botox involves the strategic injection of Botox into the muscles responsible for lifting the upper lip. When done precisely and conservatively, Gummy Smile Botox reduces the muscle strength of the lip, resulting in a reduction of lift when smiling. It’s a safe, painless, and cost-effective solution for excessive gum display. And despite everything you may have heard about Botox, the results are natural-looking and beautiful. 

What to expect from a Gummy Smile Botox treatment at Siti Med Spa

Before your first Gummy Smile Botox treatment at Siti Med Spa, we’ll sit down with you to listen to your concerns, discuss your goals, and determine whether you’re a good candidate for the procedure. Once you’re ready for your first Gummy Smile Botox session, we’ll help get you comfortable and then strategically inject small units of Botox into the treatment area. 

The procedure takes 10 to 15 minutes and requires zero downtime, so you can come in during your lunch hour and then head right back to your daily activities. Most patients notice a difference in their smiles within three to four days of treatment. The softening of the lip lift results in a more attractive smile that you’ll be happy to show off. The results are so natural-looking that no one else will know that you’ve “had work done”—unless you tell them. Gummy Smile Botox lasts 8 to 12 weeks, after which time you’ll need additional treatments to maintain your results. 

Want to know if Gummy Smile Botox is right for you? Come see us today!

At Siti Med Spa in San Diego, we would love to help you set your smile free!  For more information on Gummy Smile Botox or any of our other cosmetic procedures and services, give us a call at (619) 717-8484 to set up a free consultation today. 

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