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Laser Treatment for Acne Scars | Cutera Laser Genesis

Acne breakouts are frustrating enough, but when they cause lingering redness and permanent scars, it can really wreak havoc on a person’s confidence. While there are several skincare products on the market that help clear acne, and several other topical products that claim to erase scars, Cutera Laser Genesis is one of the few options for treating both current acne and past skin damage. 

What is Cutera Laser Genesis?

Cutera Laser Genesis is a non-invasive acne treatment that delivers targeted heat to kill the bacteria that causes acne, while also stimulating the regenerative properties of your skin to reduce the appearance of acne scars. The process is also non-ablative, which means it doesn’t injure the surface of the skin and doesn’t cause peeling. Cutera Laser Genesis is effective for treating the face, neck, and chest, or any other parts of the body where acne scars are found.

How does Cutera Laser Genesis work?

Cutera Laser Genesis involves a 1064nm (nanometer) short-pulsed laser that penetrates heat deep into the skin’s cellular layer. To address existing scars, the laser collapses superficial blood vessels on the skin to minimize redness from old acne lesions. It also stimulates the body’s production of collagen in the area, plumping up the skin and reducing the appearance of scars.  To address current acne, Cutera Laser Genesis kills bacteria both on the surface of the skin and deep within it, shrinks pores, and counters overactive oil-producing sebaceous glands, where acne problems originate. 

What is a Cutera Laser Genesis session like?

The session starts with a deep cleansing of the area to be treated, followed by a mild numbing anesthetic to address any mild discomfort. Treatment of the entire face requires the use of protective goggles. Once you’re all prepped and ready, the handheld laser device will be slowly moved back and forth over your skin while the targeted area is treated with millisecond-long laser pulses. The skin will be gently wiped with water between passes to cool it down and keep the area nice and clean. The entire treatment takes about 30-45 minutes, with no need for recovery or downtime afterward.

When will I see results?

You will experience some mild swelling and redness directly following the Cutera Laser Genesis treatment, but these side effects will subside within a few hours. For optimal results, most patients need four to six treatments spaced about a month apart. A couple of days after each visit, you’ll notice a difference in the look and feel of your skin,  and the results will continue to improve over time. 

Who are the best candidates for Cutera Laser Genesis?

Anyone suffering from mild to moderate acne and acne scars can benefit from Cutera Laser Genesis, including older teenagers and adults of any age. Cutera Laser Genesis is also beneficial for people with large pores, fine lines and wrinkles, age spots, and rosacea-related redness. While the treatment is safe and effective on most skin types, you’ll want to schedule a consultation with an authorized Cutera Laser Genesis provider to determine whether the treatment is suitable for you.

Acne Scar Treatment in San Diego at Siti Med Spa

If you’re one of the millions of adults in the U.S. still suffering with acne long after adolescence, Siti Med Spa can help. We offer  Laser Genesis treatments to help banish acne and reduce the appearance of scars for smoother, more radiant skin.  For more information or to schedule a consultation, call us at (619) 717-8484.

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