Siti Med Spa

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How to Reduce Swelling After Lip Fillers

Lip fillers are an easy way to plump up thin lips, smooth out vertical lip lines, or otherwise perfect your pout.  Lip injection treatments take only a few minutes, and depending on your preference, they can provide subtle or dramatic results. After your lip injection treatment, you’ll see results right away, but your lips won’t look exactly the way you were hoping until the swelling goes down. Although post-injection swelling is normal, you can help minimize it with a few simple tips. Read on for more information about how to reduce swelling after lip fillers. 

1. Use a cold compress

Ice is your best friend after a lip filler treatment. An ice pack or frozen peas wrapped in a towel will help constrict the blood vessels, decrease circulation, and reduce swelling. Try icing for about 20 minutes of every hour immediately after your procedure and then every couple of hours for the next two days. 

2. Avoid heat exposure

Heat is not your friend here. Swelling is caused by bleeding in the tissue, and heat draws more blood to the area. So, if you want to reduce swelling after lip injections, avoid tanning beds, saunas, hot tubs, and hot yoga classes for a few days to a week following your treatment.

3. Take an antihistamine

Histamine is a chemical in your body that causes blood vessels to expand and the skin to swell. Antihistamines help block this chemical and reduce swelling.  Benadryl is an effective antihistamine, but it tends to cause drowsiness, so it’s best taken at night only. In the daytime, try Zyrtec or Claritin.  

4. Elevate your head

Anytime there is swelling in the body, elevating the swollen area above the level of the heart helps the extra fluid move back toward the heart for circulation to other parts of the body. After your lip injections, keeping your head elevated while you sleep (on your back is best) will help keep swelling to a minimum. 

5. Apply Arnica ointment 

Arnica is a flowering plant used to treat a wide range of conditions, including bruising and inflammation. It is used both as a topical ointment and as an oral homeopathic remedy. Check with your doctor before taking herbal remedies, as some interactions may occur with your other medications. 

6. Take Bromelain supplements 

Bromelain is a protein-digesting enzyme extracted from pineapple. Like Arnica, it can be taken orally or used topically. Bromelain’s anti-inflammatory properties make it an effective post-lip-injection treatment for pain and swelling. As with all other herbal supplements, talk to your doctor before taking Bromelain. 

7. Skip the gym

Vigorous exercise increases circulation and heats up the body. And those inverted yoga poses that feel so good also increase the blood flow to your head and face, which exacerbates swelling. If you absolutely must exercise in the 48 hours after your lip filler procedure, be sure to keep it slow, gentle, and upright.  An easy-paced walk can help keep you moving without making your swelling worse. 

Need a skilled and experienced injector for your lip filler treatment?

When it comes to perfecting your pout with lip fillers, your injector makes all the difference. At Siti Med Spa, our skilled and experienced injectors have mastered precise techniques that help minimize bruising and swelling. Our practitioners understand the anatomy and physiology of the face and lips, and our commitment to precision and artistry can help you achieve the luscious, kissable lips you desire.

Give us a call at 619-717-8484 to schedule a consultation today! 

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