Siti Med Spa

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Best 9 Tips for Tanning Safely

Summer is always a celebratory time, but this year, it’s promising to be epic.  Now that we can party again, gather in groups, and travel, many of us are planning beach vacations, pool parties, and all the summery fun we missed out on last year. But let's not forget to do summer safely. COVID safety, yes, but skin safety, too. As much fun as it is to return home from a beach vacation with a pretty tan, if you’re not careful, you could return home with peeling shoulders instead.

Before you head out into the sun this summer, take a look at these best 9 tips for tanning safely. 

#1. Wear sunscreen 

Sunscreen is your best friend, no matter what. It’s absolutely essential for protecting your skin from UV damage. Broad Spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher is ideal for spending time outdoors in the sun. But no matter how high your SPF, if you’re not putting it on at least every two hours, and reapplying after swimming or sweating, your skin is not protected. 

#2. Avoid peak hours

Spending time in the sun during the hottest time of the day can lead to sunburn and sun damage more quickly than other times of the day. The sun is strongest from 1pm to 4pm, so it’s best to avoid tanning at that time. 

#3. Take shade breaks

You’ll lower your risk of sunburn if you take a pause in the shade every so often. Give your skin a break and take the opportunity to hydrate and cool yourself down so you avoid dehydration and heat exhaustion as well. 

#4. Tan naturally 

Avoid tanning beds. Although they may promise a “safe alternative to sunlight,” they actually increase your risk of developing melanoma, a dangerous and potentially fatal skin cancer.  

#5. Switch it up

Changing positions frequently while you tan can help ensure that you don’t burn from overexposing any one particular part of your body. Also, the more gradual a tan is, the longer it lasts. 

#6. Tan in short intervals

The best way to tan is little by little. As mentioned above, a gradual tan will last longer, but tanning in short intervals, maybe 10 minutes in the morning and another 10 minutes later in the day, also helps you keep an eye on your skin to avoid burning. 

#7. Take your vitamins

Research suggests that certain vitamins may help optimize your melanin levels from the inside. These include vitamins A, C, and E. Blueberries and other antioxidant-rich foods can also help protect your skin from sun damage. 

#8. Eat tomatoes and watermelon

A few weeks before your next beach vacation, eat tomatoes or watermelon daily. Both contain lycopene, an antioxidant that absorbs UVA and UVB radiation, acting as a natural sunblock. It doesn’t happen overnight, though, and eating these foods should not replace your other protective measures, but they can help provide you with just that extra little bit of sun protection. 

#9. Listen to your skin

If you pay careful attention to your skin, it will tell you when it's had enough. And when it does, it’s important to listen by covering up, reapplying your sunscreen, taking a shade break, hydrating, or going take a nap in your hotel room. Your future self will thank you for your beautiful, glowing, and healthy skin. 

Ready for summer? If not, Siti Med Spa can help!

At Siti Med Spa, we offer a wide range of cosmetic treatments, services, and products designed to help you feel great in your own skin.  If you’re planning to bare that beautiful skin under the sun this summer, please do so safely. In addition to using a high-quality sunscreen when you’re out in the sun, it’s also important to treat your skin to the best skincare products so it stays healthy, radiant, and youthful-looking.

For more information on our products, treatments, or services, give us a call at (619) 717-8484 today. 

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